
  美国L1申请中,移民官要审查的一个重要问题是美国公司是否有足够的办公场所来经营公司(Sufficient physical premises to house the new office)。这源于美国移民法规8 C.F.R. § 2l4.2(l)(3)(v)的规定。







Upon review, counsel's assertions are persuasive. The AAO finds sufficient evidence to establish that the petitioner has acquired physical premises as required by 8 C.F.R. § 2l4.2(l)(3)(v)(A). The director's focus on the singular statement in the office share agreement that the petitioner was to be provided one desk, was misplaced. The office share agreement clearly demonstrates that there were provisions made for additional employees of the petitioner under paragraph four where the rental agreement stipulates increases for each additional employee.

Furthermore, the AAO finds that counsel's explanations regarding the petitioner's office share agreement are credible. Counsel has adequately explained the terms of the agreement and the petitioner’s expectations for the U.S. company. While the petitioner's office share arrangements may be characterized as unconventional, overall, the evidence submitted supports the petitioner's claim that it does in fact have physical premises from which to conduct its business.

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